COMPASS offers on-campus services to those impacted by sexual violence, including crisis counseling and support, information on reporting options including criminal and university conduct, court advocacy and support, guidance on supporting someone you care about who has been impacted by sexual violence, and resources to mental health counseling and other services in the community and university, at the following locations:
Please feel free to schedule an appointment with one of our outreach advocates using one of the options listed below, or call our 24 hour crisis line for immediate assistance.
Our 24-Hour Sexual Assault Crisis Line is available to anyone who needs immediate assistance at (330) 452-1111 Stark County or (330) 339-1427 Carroll and Tuscarawas County. You can also contact the outreach advocate to learn more about counseling and/or advocacy available to you through our offices located in Canton and New Philadelphia.
If you were hurt during childhood, prior to coming to campus, or looking for information to help someone that you care about, COMPASS is here for you!
COMPASS offers specialized services at no cost to you. There are several ways we can support you through your healing process.
Contact an outreach advocate on campus at (330) 308-7555 Kent State University at Tuscarawas or (330) 471-8448 Malone University, request an appointment by submitting the form below, or stop by a campus satellite office during walk-in office hours.
Counseling services are available for students, faculty and staff members impacted by rape and sexual abuse.
Our Outreach Advocates are here to offer expertise, support and information for students, faculty and staff who have been impacted by sexual violence. Outreach advocates are not obligated to report any of information to the institution.
The Outreach Advocate WILL:
The Outreach Advocate will NOT:
Our Outreach Advocates work closely with each campus to provide education and awareness programming to students, faculty, and staff on campus. Topics covered include, but are not limited to: Sexual Violence 101, Human Trafficking, Understanding Trauma; Short and Long-Term Impact on Survivors, Understanding Root Causes of Sexual Violence, and Healthy/Unhealthy Relationships.